Coyotes are here, they look pretty Jamtastic if I do say so myself. I didn't really expect this, I thought it would be a domestic dog or something, but nope! Thought wrong, Fire!
The statue though, it looks preettty snaazzy!
Aye, you can buy it for 10 diamonds only!
They added some cool items and a NEW set in the diamond shop, as well in Jam Mart Furniture and Jam Mart Clothing! Prepare yourselves, for the incoming tornado of new items!
First we have the new Diamond Shop den items! We have some sacks of gold coins there, some ehh, what do you call that? A barrel thingy, some pet jail cell - wait.. PET JAIL CELL? I never knew, something so innocent can go wrong.
More from Jam Mart Furniture, and they look awesome! It can be a great addition to your dens, so better buy those things before they all will be gone!
Incoming call from the clothing items in the Diamond Shop, we have, the new set! At least the tail item is for non-member, I could have wanted AJHQ to make it customizable like changing it's colors.
Just noticed this in Jam Mart Clothing, looks like we have a pretty cool bean vest! Yes, beans.
Next up, we have new PET SHARKS! Some looks pretty weird especially that one. - wink, wink - you know what I mean!
For a minute there, I almost forgot where you can buy the sharks at, xD but you can buy it at Flippers n' Fins on sale now, now! (Just kidding)
A returning adventure! I love this one, but with the laggy laptop it makes me lag. -.-
Looking at all those items satisfied me, oh the golden color!
Alright Jammers, have you got one of these diamonds before?
Well, this kind sir, or it may be a Jammer overlapping - but I am fine, my morning is a bit tired out. Thank you for asking, you are immediately in the Thursday's Feature!
Last but not least, we have the lions travelling and the dolphins returning! What a good timing.
Thank you all, I hope you enjoyed and if I got anything wrong please let me know! Bye everyone, always stay PAWSOME my friends..
Just a small random thing I did, when making the post.